How to resize images from the command line

How to resize images from the command line on linux (Ubuntu) using imagemagick. Install imagemagick : sudo apt-get install imagemagick Create a directory in the location named “resized-pictures” as follows : $ mkdir resized-pictures Now run the mogrify command from...

Change Font-Size Editor Zend Studio

Many of the fonts and colors and used by eclipse components can be set using the General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts preference page.

Limit character textarea using Jquery

Here we can do, copy this jquery plugins : jQuery.fn.maxLength = function(max){ this.each(function(){ //Get the type of the matched element var type = this.tagName.toLowerCase(); //If the type property exists, save it in lower case var inputType = this.type? this.type.toLowerCase() :...

Code To Change Hyperlink Underline Color

Here we can do to change hyperlink underline color <a href="change-underline-color.php" style="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 1px solid #999999">change underline color</a>

TinyMCE produce P elements

This is way If you want to change new line in TinyMCE with <br/> character : For the display you can use a simple CSS trick like this on file tiny_mce/themes/advanced/skin/default/content.css : p {margin:0; padding: 0;}. See...


Sekalipun sedang digoyang ataupun digempur merapi, Jogja tetap berhati nyaman.. Kembali lah dalam kenyamananmu wahai jogja,...

Jquery Check All

Here we can do with jquery, check all checkbox with name parameters : sample code : function checkallitems(){ var arr=$("input']"); if($('#contestall').attr('checked')==true){ for(var i=0;i<arr.length;i++){ $(arr).attr('checked','checked'); } }else{ for(var i=0;i<arr.length;i++){ $(arr).attr('checked',false); } } } note : contest is the name of checkbox will be checked. contestall is a checkbox  for control  check...

WordPress for android

Hello!! Firts story on new engine. I have try post from wordpress for android. Its cool... you must try it if you android lovers.. Cauuuuu,....

Move to WordPress

i change my blog engine to wordpress.

CSS Input type

Use this if you want set CSS for input type, button, submit or file : input { } input{ } input{ } Happy coding !!

Change IE document default view

If you have problem with CSS view in IE 8, maybe  you must try this solution. Add this tag on head : <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" > it will be change your default document view to IE 8...

Filosofi Pensil

Tulisan ini menceritakan kisah penuh hikmah dari sebatang pensil. Dikisahkan, sebuah pensil akan segera dibungkus dan dijual ke pasar. Oleh pembuatnya, pensil itu dinasihati mengenai tugas yang akan diembannya, maka, beberapa wejanganpun diberikan kepada...